Our Philosophy

Digital ad platforms make billions upon billions of dollars every year using targeted ads that are powered by your data. You get to use their platforms without paying, but that's a tiny fraction of the value created from your data.

We are creating a company whose two essential functions are to help you build a valuable dataset and to maximize its benefits. Both monetary and nonmonetary.

This has a chicken and egg problem: to attract buyers of data (e.g. advertisers), we need users. To attract users, we need buyers of data. Youfondu is our first attempt at building up both sides of this marketplace. As you rate restaurants, you begin building up a dataset of your explicit preferences. Initially, the value that you get from this dataset is personalized recommendations for the best restaurants for you. As we grow, we will begin adding additional ways to generate data and additional ways to benefit.

It's early days. Things are a bit rough around the edges right now. We're committed to iterating and working towards scalable solutions to this problem. Come grow with us - we'll build something amazing together!

Meet our leadership

  • picture of Eddie Landesberg

    Eddie Landesberg


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  • picture of Aaron Bradley

    Aaron Bradley


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  • Austin Smith


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  • Erika Martin


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  • Ian Horn


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  • John Clevenger


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  • Kevin Zielnicki


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  • Reza Sohrabi


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  • Stuart Landesberg


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